Title sequence
Title sequence for the documentary movie 'Finding Fela', about the Nigerian singer and the freedom fighter Fela Kuti. The graphic opening describes the tension between the life of Fela Kuti as a singer in the limelight, and the freedom fighter fleeing from the pursuit of the tyrannical regime.

My role
Art direction 
graphic language 
animations & visual effects
Title sequence

DIFF is a music channel ident.
A different music experience. The tunnel dive created in the inner space of the logo expresses the transition that the music channel produces. The name is derived from the word different, And characterizes the music line of the channel the experience that was directed to move and the clips it displays.

My role
graphic language
3D design
visual effects

Diff | Interlude no.1

The first shot was taken out of the clip black man in a white world, by Michael Kiwanuka.

Using graphic elements and logo on an existing clip

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